Level 5 extended diploma in supporting teaching and learning
About Course
Level 5 Extended Diploma in Supporting Teaching and Learning has been developed to conform to the requirements of the RQF, to meet the requirements of the education sector and to respond to the needs of schools, colleges and training providers and their teaching/training staff. The content of the qualification and the standards provided within it, directly relate to the Higher Level Standards
for Teaching Assistants, as set by the Department for Education in the UK. The aims of these qualifications are to assist in the professional development of those supporting teaching and learning and working in the role of Teaching Assistants at a higher level. The qualifications will develop knowledge, understanding and the skills needed to improve the quality of support for teaching/training in schools, colleges and other organisations, leading to the maintenance of standards and providing better outcomes for learners. The qualifications aim to
embed improved practice, leading to higher levels of institutional success. The achievement of this qualification by Teaching Assistants will provide assurance to headteachers, teachers, parents and other stakeholders that the member of staff is working to the standards set.
Entry Requirements
For learners who have recently been in education or training the entry profile is likely to include one of the following:
- a first degree
- a level 4 qualification
- achievement of a nationally recognized qualification at level 2 or above in English/literacy and Mathematics/numeracy
- other equivalent international qualifications
- An Introduction to Education and Training
- School/College as a Learning Organization
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Teaching Assistant
- Human Development and Growth
- Health and Safety and the Well-being of Children and
Young People - Supporting Teaching and Learning
- Development of Positive Behavior in Students
- Inclusive Practices in Education
- Personal and Professional Development