teacher training courses in dubai

The M.Ed program offered by Chitkara College of Education is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of educational foundations, learning theories, multiculturalism, inclusion, and critical issues in education. The program offers teachers the opportunity to acquire essential knowledge and skills that will support their professional development, while also providing a flexible and individualised academic experience. Spanning over 2 years and divided into 4 semesters, the program includes a diverse range of courses such as Philosophy of Education, Human Development, Learning & Teaching, Curriculum Studies, Research in Education, School Leadership, and Technology Literacy.

Moreover, students enrolled in the program will also undertake a one-year research inquiry or professional project, which will give them an opportunity to apply their knowledge to real-world issues and explore their own areas of interest. Additionally, the final module of the program will encourage students to consolidate their understanding of educational issues and relevant professional and academic research, thus providing them with a well-rounded and holistic educational experience.


   Visit Chitkara University website for more details.